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Ink drawings

Tried to do some hatching on a few drawings for My first time…..Hmmm…Not good but on the other side , don’t think it’s so bad…:)

All Drawings are copy of drawings I like….Puff Puff

Here first one….It’s just snapshot with My phone…..Damn…Should use some time to get a workflow and better photo’s…Hmmm                                                  ( Remember to My self )  Time – Time …..:)

Some try to hatch here……B.t.w all drawings are – A 5 Size

All are first drawn with pencil…Then inked with a Nip Pen….It’s amazing, the control you have with a pen…Cheers

 Last one…….Will make a few more in A 4…Not sure what ‘I will try next maybe airbrush….Puff Puff
